Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Compile - NginX under Linux

== Tips for compiling NginX ==

After downloading nginx tarball you also need:
- zlib.tar.gz
- openssl.tar.gz

1 - make and install zlib
2 - uncompress openssl tarball
3 - Configure nginx script:
   - ./configure \
      --with-http_ssl_module --with-openssl=../openssl-uncompress-dir \
4 - make
5 - make install

 That should give a working nginX server ;)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Linux - diags commands, Get hard / soft Info

Here are some commands that we can use to obtain info from a Linux host:

# dmesg              -- show bootup messages / detected hardware

top                -- show cpu/mem/swap usage and running processes
# mii-tool           -- show nic infos
# du -xh | sort      -- show disk usage

# ps -exfcl          -- show processes running - list 
# rpm -qa            -- show packages.version installed - (redhat/fedora)
# cat /etc/fstab     -- show filesystem table

# cat /proc/cpuinfo  -- show cpu information
# cat /proc/devices  -- show devices ( /proc "filesystem" shows lots of info)
# cat /proc/meminfo  -- show memory

The list continues...i will add some more later

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cisco ios image search - for labs

Quick tip to find ios images

On google search use:
 : intitle:index.of ios .bin -site:cisco.com

It should give some nice results

Monday, August 31, 2009

Which User loged on what workstation - "short tips" - Windows2003 domain

A short tip ;)

To find out were "someuser "is logged on what "workstation"

We go to the domain PDC ( check "netdom query fsmo")
->eventvwr -> security -> filter by
-> "event source":security
-> search the user you are looking for on field - user:

That's it.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Linux Basics - 1

== Linux basic commands ==

The kernel: Monolithic or Modular

A monolithic kernel is one which has support for all hardware, network, and filesystem compiled into a single image file.

A modular kernel is one which has some drivers compiled as object files, which the kernel can load and remove on demand. Loadable modules are kept in /lib/modules.

-------Commands that can help --------------------

# lsmod - list currently loaded modules
# rmmod - remove a single module
# insmod - insert a single module
# depmod - create the database of module dependencies modules.dep
# modprobe -insert a module and dependencies listed in modules.dep
# modinfo - list information about the author, license type and module parameters

Monday, August 17, 2009

Diagnostics on Win2003 AD

Some commands for diagnostics on Windows Domain Controler

==== Diags Commands ====
Check - c:\windows\NTDS - ntds.dit / edb.xxx
c:\windows\SYSVOL\sysvol\domain.local --- subfolders
share - NETLOGON -> c:\windows\SYSVOL\sysvol\domain.local\SCRIPTS
share - SYSVOL -> c:\windows\SYSVOL\sysvol
Check - DNS console - SRV records - _msdcs.domain.local
= nslookup
nslookup gc._msdcs

= dcdiag /test: replications
dcdiag /test: topology, cutoffserver, netlogons, fsmocheck, DNS, frssysvol, frsevent, kccevent, systemlog, RegisterInDNS,
= repadmin /replsum
= repadmin /showrepl
== repadmin /replicate destDC courceDC NamingContext /force
= repadmin /showconn
= repadmin /showreps

= netdom query FSMO == netdom /verify DSTBDC /domain:domain.local
= netdom query DC

= nltest /DSGETDC:domain.local

= dnslint /ad /s localhost /v
= dnslint /d domain.local /s 10.x.x.x /v
= dcdiag
= netdiag

= w32tm /config /syncfromflags:manual /manualpeerlist:10.x.x.x
= w32tm /config /update
= w32tm /dumpreg /subkey:parameters
= w32tm /monitor

-----Test------------ exchange "Service Principal Names" - LDAP --------------------
setspn -L "servername"
setspn -?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Find Host that respond pings

Easy script to find hosts that respond to pings:

FOR /L %%V in (1,1,100) DO ping -w 30 -n 1 10.1.1.%%V |findstr /I Reply >> up.txt

Put this in a batch file.

For more info on the command "for" type : for /? in a cmd.exe box ;)